use impdp and expdp to import into another schema

<username>: A system admin user name
<password>: The system admin password
<exportschema>: The export schema name
<dba_directoryname>: A dba_directory name
<exportname>: A name to identify this export file
<date>: Today’s date

expdp <username>/<password> schemas=<exportschema> directory=<dba_directoryname> dumpfile=<exportname><date>.dmp logfile=exp_<exportname><date>.log

if needed create the user

create user <importschema> identified by <importschema_password> profile <userprofile> default tablespace <tablespace>;

impdp <username>/<password> remap_schema=<exportschema>:<importschema> directory=<dba_directoryname> dumpfile=<exportname><date>.dmp logfile=imp_<exportname><date>.log