Install Oracle Linux from network


Download the Oracle Linux Dvd to a web server.

mount -o loop -t iso9660 <mywebdirectory>/isos/OEL6-U2-x86_64-V29459-01.iso <mywebdirectory>/isos/oel6u2


mkdir /www/isos/oel6u2 -p
chown <mywebuser>.<mywebgroup> /www/isos -R
chown <mywebuser>.<mywebgroup> /www/isos/OEL6-U2-x86_64-V29459-01.iso

mount -o loop -t iso9660 <mywebdirectory>/isos/OEL6-U2-x86_64-V29459-01.iso <mywebdirectory>/isos/oel6u2
mount -o loop -t iso9660 /www/isos/OEL6-U2-x86_64-V29459-01.iso /www/isos/oel6u2
mount -o loop -t iso9660 /var/www/html/isos/OEL6-U2-x86_64-V29459-01.iso /var/www/html/isos/oel6u2

You could also mount it to a non standard directory and add an alias so as to avoid large back ups of your web directories.

If you have an issue connecting check you ip configurations and your firewall. I install multiple instances 1 in local network and 1 in dmz to avoid requiring access through firewall to unsecure areas.