Install Latest JDK current 7up4


Although jdk7up4 is certified in certification matrix's found the oracle has many bugs with 7 after working with support rolled back to 6up33 and worked fine follow same steps just use 6up33


JDK 7 update 4 Download

64bit rpm jdk-7u4-linux-x64.rpm

Save file on shared server or local disk in directory

<JDK save directory> = /software/oracle11gappserver/jdk

cd <JDK save directory>

chmod 775 jdk-7u4-linux-x64.rpm
rpm -Uvh jdk-7u4-linux-x64.rpm

cd /usr/bin
ls -l | grep java
unlink java
ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_04/bin/java java
which java
java -version